Coffee Chat General Interest

Working in Your Flame

[Transcript] … So, you saw the title, right? Are you working in your flame? Or in your wax?

This is an idea that I learned about through Dr. Ivan Misner. He is the founder of BNI— Business Network International — which I’ve been a member of for over a decade. It’s a referral networking organization, and it’s a wonderful thing. If you have not heard about it, don’t know about it, go look it up, find a chapter in your area and go visit. It’s an amazing organization, and I’m still a member.

Anyway, this idea of living in your flame … working in your flame … instead of your wax. If you’re working and living in your wax, it means that you’re doing stuff that is sapping your energy, that is just kind of melting your spirit.

Would you rather do that, or would you rather live in your flame … where you are on fire … where you are passionate … where you are just doing things that light you up … right?

You can tell, even in me describing the two, it’s such a difference!

This idea of working in your flame means that you are living to your fullest potential, perhaps that you are doing what you are meant to do, that you are serving … it really is just that you are lit up and you are on fire with doing it, whatever it is for you.

Sometimes You Have to Say No so You Can Say Yes

This hit home, and I was reminded of this idea of the wax and the flame, by somebody when I actually walked away from an opportunity recently. I walked away from this opportunity, and it was a really great opportunity. But in the season that I’m in now, there’s something else that is lighting me up, that is where my flame is.

And if I said yes to this other opportunity, it would be diminishing my flame. It would be taking my flame, and I would have less oxygen going towards it. This opportunity would mean less of my time and energy and effort going towards my flame.

So, of course, you know what happens when a flame doesn’t have enough oxygen. When a fire doesn’t have enough oxygen, it starts shrinking. And when it does, when there’s no oxygen to that flame, it goes out.

So in me saying no to this other good opportunity, I am able to feed more oxygen to my flame and keep it alive and strong.

I think this is so important for us when we are working from home.

Sometimes we see these opportunities and we think, “You know, gosh, I could really see myself doing that. That’s really great.” But there can be lots of great opportunities, and you can’t say yes to everything.

When you say yes to one thing, you really are saying no to something else. So be careful what you’re saying yes to. Be wise about saying no to the things that are going to limit the oxygen to your flame.

Working In Your Flame Doesn’t Feel Like Work

Because let me tell you … working in your flame, it is such a difference! It’s that thing of, when you love what you do, it’s not really work.

Oh my goodness, it is! And let me add to that …

When you love what you do, and it is in your flame, you are on fire with work.

You can get so much more accomplished.

You can serve so many more people.

It is amazing! And I wish that feeling for you.

My hope for you is that you find your flame and then you fully embrace it. You say no to anything that’s going to take away any oxygen from that flame and let it burn brightly … shine brightly … because the world needs more people working in their flame and shining brightly and loving their life. Would you agree?

My hope for you, my wish for you, is that you become that person who is living in her flame.

And I believe you can do that working from home.

That is actually what my flame is. I am helping other women working from home succeed at it. I am giving you the next-level strategies and tactics to help you succeed at working from home so that you don’t ever have to go back to the nine to five office job ever again, if you don’t want to.

I am so dang excited about it!

Live in your flame today, my friend. Think about that. And I will see you again soon. Bye for now.

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