General Interest Mindset Productivity

Are Your Q4 Actions Taking You to a Parking Lot or an Onramp?

As we enter Q4, it’s easy to treat this time of year like a parking lot — a place to coast, take a break, and wind down. But here’s the thing: how you approach Q4 can either leave you parked at year-end and set you up for a slow “start from zero” January or it can […]

Confidence General Interest Mindset

Embrace a “Lucky Girl” Mindset and Build Unshakeable Confidence

What would happen if you were embrace a “Lucky Girl” mindset? More to the point, perhaps, what are your thoughts and feelings about luck in the first place? Lucky Girl Syndrome There’s a new trend going around called Lucky Girl Syndrome, and it’s centered around the following affirmation: “I’m so lucky. Everything works out for […]

Confidence General Interest Mindset

Impersonate a Confident Person and Become More Confident in Yourself

Can you impersonate a confident person and become more confident in yourself? It’s a slightly different twist on the idea of “fake it until you make it.” And it actually has some merit. In today’s video, Ed Mylett tells Jamie Kern Lima about how he went from impersonating the “not good enough” person that others […]

Confidence General Interest Habits Mindset

If You Stand Out, You’ll Be Kicked Out … NO! Don’t Believe the Lie!

Do you believe if you stand out, you’ll be kicked out? Out of a friend or peer group … out of belonging? This is one of 9 common lies that Jamie Kern Lima exposes in her new book: Worthy: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life. It’s a lie that’s holding many […]

Confidence General Interest

5 Life Lessons for Success from … a Pencil

As a writer I love a good metaphor. I love using stories to connect with my reader and to enhance their understanding. So when I came across The Pencil’s Tale, I knew I had to share it with you. 5 Lessons for Living with Heart and Purpose from The Pencil’s Tale Here are the things […]

Confidence Productivity

Get More Done with the 3 Cs of Productivity

Need to get more done? With the 3 Cs of productivity, it’s easier than ever to focus on what’s most important. You know those times when you just can’t seem to move forward or get things done? If you’re like me, you may feel stressed or overwhelmed. Maybe you procrastinate, or you might fill your […]