Coffee Chat Connection

Staying Connected When Working From Home

[Transcript] Today, we are talking about this topic of how do you stay connected when you are working from home by yourself all day. Good question, right?

And maybe first we should say, well, if you’re choosing to work at home, maybe that’s what you want. Maybe you want to be by yourself. You don’t want to be around all these people all day.

That is totally fine.

What I’m talking about is staying connected. I’m talking about the connection between people.

And what I mean by that is I think that a lot of times when, especially when we’re first working from home, we are so focused on getting the work done that we kind of forget to take care of ourselves, too.

And I think the staying connected part is really about taking care of ourself, right?

We humans need to feel that connection with people. We are social animals, social beings. And introverts — I get you ‘cause I’m one of you — I’m not talking about having to be around people all the time.

I’m talking about the connection. And even we introverts need to feel that connection … feeling like we are part of a tribe … part of a larger community … part of a group.

And so, it is easy to feel this isolation. It is easy to lose some of those connections when you are working from home.

The key is you have to be intentional. Intentional about keeping those connections … about maintaining those connections.

So how do you do that? Especially now in this virtual world.

Now, as things start opening back up around you, and there are mixers and meetings and, you know, networking meetings and events and things to do … of course you can go do those things. But if you are just choosing not to — introverts, I hear you, right? — there are ways to stay connected virtually as well.

And I am loving it! And actually … here’s the beauty of it … I can stay connected with people around the world that if we were just connecting in person, I wouldn’t be able to.

How to Stay Connected

Okay. So I want you to embrace the idea of staying connected virtually because it is powerful. There is value in staying connected virtually. So how would you do this?

Texting or Calling Someone

I’m suggesting texting or even better calling somebody, you know, maybe once a day. If you want to set that as your goal, how quick is it to just send a text to somebody?

Hey, you’re on my mind. How’s it going? Hope things are well.

How simple is that as a text or DM or however you want it to connect?

I’m suggesting a voice connection is even more powerful. Pick up the phone and have a quick conversation.

Now, I know sometimes those phone conversations don’t end up being so quick, right? But you could say …

Hey, I have five minutes. I just wanted to check in. How are things?

And be open and honest about, you know, I really love to stay connected but I really only have five minutes right now to talk. Set boundaries.

I have people that when you get them on the phone, they go on and on and ramble. And I think part of that is because it’s been so long since we have connected. And sometimes some of those people are just people who like to talk.

And that is great when you have the time for it. But if you don’t, just be open and honest so that there is no hurt feelings. There’s no awkwardness. Just say something like …

I love you. I appreciate our friendship, our connection. But I do have to end this right now. Let’s catch up again soon.

You know, you can be nice about it. You don’t have to be mean. But you do have to honor yourself in your time limits and your boundaries.

So texting, calling a friend, checking in on people … that’s a great way to stay connected.

Networking Organizations and Groups

Participating in networking organizations, networking groups, truly, is another great way to stay connected. You never know who other people may know. You never know who you may be able to help or who may be able to help you.

So look into networking organizations.

A lot of them are and have been meeting online this whole time. Some of them still are, so check those out and, and see how they feel … how they work for you.

Virtual Breakout Rooms

If you find a networking group or even a conference that you’re attending … an event that you’re attending … and if they have the opportunity to participate in breakout rooms, oh, for goodness sakes, please do so, because that is so powerful.

You’re in a breakout room with a smaller group of people. So you can have a stronger connection, a more personal connection.

I was at a bigger event recently, and they gave us the opportunity to go into breakout rooms. People I didn’t even know. I’m like, “Oh, well, I think it’s a good time to go to the bathroom.” Right? But I didn’t. I pushed through. I said, “Okay, let’s do this thing.” And it was such a great experience.

So when there’s the opportunity for breakout rooms, push through your resistance … if you do have resistance … and give it a shot. Because you might be pleasantly surprised.

Book Clubs

Another idea would be join a book club. Oh my goodness! I am part of a fantastic book club. And my schedule has been off, so I haven’t been able to meet with them the past two months, and I have so missed it. Oh my goodness!

What’s great about the book club is it’s an automatic point of discussion, right? You’re all discussing the same thing. And yes, you can get personal if you choose to. But it’s really just another way of being connected with people.

I happen to like all women book clubs, because, you know, it just seems to be great to connect with other women. And there are book clubs that have all kinds of books to be read and discussed. So just find one that is discussing books that you like. mine is on.

Mine’s a professional women’s book club. So we read books on self-development and professional development and that kind of thing. It’s fantastic.

Social Media Groups

Another way, though, to stay connected would be to actively participate in groups. Our online groups, our Facebook groups, our LinkedIn groups … participate be present and, and connect. Right?

Connect on Social Media

If you have met somebody at an event, stay connected with them on social media. Follow their stuff. Comment on their stuff. They will appreciate it. You will feel this connection.

Connections are Valuable

I can’t stress enough how important these connections really are. And how valuable they are.

I don’t mean valuable and important in the sense of that you’re necessarily going to get money from them. You know, it’s not like you’re going to be doing business with people that you’re connected with all the time.

It is important to your wellbeing, your emotional and mental wellbeing, to stay connected.

But it does take being intentional about it. It does not just happen automatically. You have to work at it. And it’s worth it.

So … promise me that you will do something today to connect with another human being outside of your four walls, and just do something to brighten their day.

It will make you feel good. It’ll make them feel good. They will appreciate you for reaching out.

I got a text just yesterday from somebody that I have not seen since the pandemic started. Our kids went to high school together and my son has house-sat for them when they’ve been on vacation … and I have missed her. It was so great to get that text from her. Right? I was so glad that she reached out.

And so, you guys, that response you’ll get from when you reach out to someone … I promise it will make somebody’s day.

Be Intentional about Connecting

Now, since we’re talking about being intentional, do set a goal and make it a habit. Maybe do one a day. Or, if you have extra time, maybe do one in the morning and one at lunch. Or perhaps when you’re taking your breaks.

Whatever it is … whatever works for you … if you get into the habit of it, then you’re more likely to do it. And you can stay intentional. And you can maintain those connections.

Thank you. I so appreciate you being here with me today. If you have found this valuable, please, please, please share this with somebody.

Hey, what a way to stay connected … share some content with them that they might like! I would appreciate it. And so would they.

So until next time, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Make those connections … stay connected … and I will see you again soon.

Bye for now!

I live-stream Coffee Chats on Facebook and YouTube periodically throughout the week, and I’d love to have you pop in and say hello in the comments! Be sure to follow my Coach Michele Peterson page on Facebook and subscribe to my YouTube channel to get notified of when I’m live. The videos are also shared on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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