General Interest Mindset Productivity

Are Your Q4 Actions Taking You to a Parking Lot or an Onramp?

As we enter Q4, it’s easy to treat this time of year like a parking lot — a place to coast, take a break, and wind down. But here’s the thing: how you approach Q4 can either leave you parked at year-end and set you up for a slow “start from zero” January or it can […]

Confidence General Interest Mindset

Embrace a “Lucky Girl” Mindset and Build Unshakeable Confidence

What would happen if you were embrace a “Lucky Girl” mindset? More to the point, perhaps, what are your thoughts and feelings about luck in the first place? Lucky Girl Syndrome There’s a new trend going around called Lucky Girl Syndrome, and it’s centered around the following affirmation: “I’m so lucky. Everything works out for […]

Confidence General Interest Mindset

Impersonate a Confident Person and Become More Confident in Yourself

Can you impersonate a confident person and become more confident in yourself? It’s a slightly different twist on the idea of “fake it until you make it.” And it actually has some merit. In today’s video, Ed Mylett tells Jamie Kern Lima about how he went from impersonating the “not good enough” person that others […]

Connection General Interest Mindset

Fitting In or Belonging … What Type of Connection Do You Strive For?

I believe there are three main components to winning as a work-from-home professional: Confidence, Productivity, and Connection. What I call connection, Brene Brown calls belonging. And she defines it this way: “Belonging is being a part of something bigger than yourself, but it’s also the courage to stand alone and to belong to yourself above […]

Confidence General Interest Habits Mindset

If You Stand Out, You’ll Be Kicked Out … NO! Don’t Believe the Lie!

Do you believe if you stand out, you’ll be kicked out? Out of a friend or peer group … out of belonging? This is one of 9 common lies that Jamie Kern Lima exposes in her new book: Worthy: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life. It’s a lie that’s holding many […]

General Interest Mindset

2 Sides of the Same Coin … and You Need Both

Even if you’re not a football fan, you know that it’s Super Bowl Sunday today. Personally, I like watching football. I like the strategy behind calling plays, managing the clock, and working together as a team to win the game. But although it really is a team sport, there’s been a long-running debate as to […]

Mindset Productivity

Stop Fixing Problems! Do This Instead

Attention fellow problem solvers … we need to stop fixing problems and do this instead! Let me explain … I don’t know about you, but I take pride in being a problem solver. It’s part of my identity. It’s who I am. Part of it is that my primary love language is acts of service. […]

Confidence Mindset

How to Defeat the 3 Devils Keeping You from Living Your Best Life

Here we are in the messy middle of the month. The messy middle (of the month, or any other chunk of time in this journey we call life) is where confidence can flag, motivation might wane, and it may feel like a struggle to keep going. The messy middle is when we’re most susceptible to […]

Confidence Mindset Productivity

5 Questions to Reset/Recharge Your Life

If you’re feeling stuck, you need to answer these 5 questions to reset/recharge your life … I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions, but I do believe in having a vision and setting intentions for the year. (Check out last week’s message for more on that.) And while you can do it anytime at […]

Confidence Mindset

It’s Time to Let Go of Whatever is Holding You Back

To make a real breakthrough this year, it’s time to let go of whatever is holding you back. It’s become my practice to pick a word to guide my year. For example, my word for 2023 was JOY … to remind myself to find the joy in every day. I’m not perfect, and I had […]