Coffee Chat Productivity

Become the CEO of You, Inc

[Transcript] … Today’s topic is this idea of becoming the CEO of You Incorporated. So when we are working from home … which I have done, by the way, full-time for 10 years now … whether we are getting a paycheck from another company or if it’s your own actual company that you’re working for […]

Coffee Chat Connection

Staying Connected When Working From Home

[Transcript] Today, we are talking about this topic of how do you stay connected when you are working from home by yourself all day. Good question, right? And maybe first we should say, well, if you’re choosing to work at home, maybe that’s what you want. Maybe you want to be by yourself. You don’t […]

General Interest

My Reading List 2021

I’ve always been an avid reader, and I kept track of my “serious” reading list of 2021. These are the books I read for personal and/or business development … I read fiction, too, but way too many to keep track of and list. I haven’t always kept a list like this, but it’s kinda fun […]