Confidence Mindset

How to Defeat the 3 Devils Keeping You from Living Your Best Life

Here we are in the messy middle of the month. The messy middle (of the month, or any other chunk of time in this journey we call life) is where confidence can flag, motivation might wane, and it may feel like a struggle to keep going. The messy middle is when we’re most susceptible to […]

Confidence Mindset Productivity

5 Questions to Reset/Recharge Your Life

If you’re feeling stuck, you need to answer these 5 questions to reset/recharge your life … I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions, but I do believe in having a vision and setting intentions for the year. (Check out last week’s message for more on that.) And while you can do it anytime at […]

Confidence Mindset

It’s Time to Let Go of Whatever is Holding You Back

To make a real breakthrough this year, it’s time to let go of whatever is holding you back. It’s become my practice to pick a word to guide my year. For example, my word for 2023 was JOY … to remind myself to find the joy in every day. I’m not perfect, and I had […]

Habits Productivity

My Morning Pages Experiment

This is a chronicle of my Morning Pages experiment to gain clarity, improve productivity, and reduce stress … let’s see what 30 days of daily journaling brings me. But first, a little background … I might be slightly obsessed with office supplies. Specifically, pens, notebooks, and journals. Ironically, given my love of these products … […]

General Interest

What I’m Reading in 2022

I’m sharing this because you might find what I’m reading in 2022 to be helpful to you, too. I’ve always been an avid reader, but I never really kept track of what I read … or when. But last year I did. And my reading list of 2021 gave me some insights into where I […]

Coffee Chat Connection

Creating a Habit of Connection

[Transcript] … The topic that I have for us today is this idea of making a habit of connection. I think, as we are working from home, connection with other people is even more critical for us than it is for people in an office setting. Why? Because they’re already connected. Right? The office setting […]

Coffee Chat General Interest

Working in Your Flame

[Transcript] … So, you saw the title, right? Are you working in your flame? Or in your wax? This is an idea that I learned about through Dr. Ivan Misner. He is the founder of BNI— Business Network International — which I’ve been a member of for over a decade. It’s a referral networking organization, […]

Coffee Chat Productivity

My Tactic for Staying Focused

[Transcript] … Today we are talking about staying focused in the present moment. Have you ever had a meditation practice? And I say a meditation practice because it is an ongoing thing, right? It’s not a one and done thing. It’s an ongoing commitment to the process. When you are meditating, you are supposed to […]

Confidence Connection General Interest Productivity

Insights I Gained by Working From Home Before it was Cool

Barbara Mandrell sang about being country when country wasn’t cool. She sang, “I took a lot of kidding, ‘cuz I never did fit in. Now look at everybody trying to be what I was then.” Oh, boy! I can relate! Not necessarily to being country, but I was certainly working from home before it was […]


A Daily Gratitude Practice and Your R.A.S.

Do you have a daily gratitude practice? A habit or a routine that helps you maintain an attitude of gratitude? Many experts agree that practicing gratitude has a powerful positive impact on our lives. One reason why is because an intentional daily gratitude practice trains your brain to look for things to be thankful for. […]