Confidence Mindset

How to Defeat the 3 Devils Keeping You from Living Your Best Life

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Here we are in the messy middle of the month. The messy middle (of the month, or any other chunk of time in this journey we call life) is where confidence can flag, motivation might wane, and it may feel like a struggle to keep going.

The messy middle is when we’re most susceptible to buying into the negativity that’s always knocking at the door. It’s when we’re most apt to listen to the three devils who are there to tear us down.

The 3 Devils and How to Defeat Them

As Brendon Burchard defines them, the three devils that crush self-esteem and self-confidence are:

  1. Judgement … rapid, speedy, impulsive, harsh, automatic, assumption/bias-driven judgement.

    Defeat this devil by limiting the external noise (judgement) you’re exposed to and with meditation and journaling to manage the internal noise (self-judgement) that you put on yourself.
  2. Comparison … comparing yourself to others is chopping yourself down.

    Defeat this devil by realizing that others’ performance and achievements have nothing to do with you. They’re not a reflection or a measurement of your own. Only compare yourself to the you of yesterday … to your own congruence, your best, your fullness, your betterment.
  3. Gossip … gossip chops others down … it’s a judgement/comparison loop with a microphone, and the more you gossip, the more you acquire narcissistic tendencies.

    Defeat this devil by journaling about the gossip you speak into the world. We often gossip without even realizing it, and journaling about it makes you aware of the habit so you can correct it. And don’t engage with the gossip around you.

YOU Are In Charge, Not the Devils

The good news is that while these devils exist, they don’t have to define us. They don’t have to direct our thoughts and action.

Just like me, YOU are in charge of what you think, what you say, what you do. YOU are the director of your life.

Only YOU can make it a beautiful masterpiece.

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