Confidence Mindset

It’s Time to Let Go of Whatever is Holding You Back

(Click here to watch if the video above isn’t working.)

To make a real breakthrough this year, it’s time to let go of whatever is holding you back.

It’s become my practice to pick a word to guide my year. For example, my word for 2023 was JOY … to remind myself to find the joy in every day. I’m not perfect, and I had my share of down days. But my word of the year helped refocus me on my intention to live more joyfully.

So, I count that as a win.

My word for 2024 is actually not a single word, but two words. They’re so small, though, that it kinda still counts (anyway, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)

My word for 2024 is LET GO.

If that prompted the theme song to Disney’s Frozen to start playing in your head, you’re not alone! Me, too! And here’s a sing-along video if you want to belt it out with Idina Menzel:

(Click here to watch if the video above isn’t working.)

Like Elsa in the movie, I’m declaring 2024 as my year to stop holding back. As the song goes …

“It’s time to see what I can do.
To test the limits and break through.”

In the first video I shared today, Tony Robbins says this about making a breakthrough: “Divorce the story of your limitation and marry the truth of your unlimited capacity.”

So good! Am I right?

I’m guessing that, like me, there’s something holding you back from doing all you’re capable of … from being all you’re meant to be. Maybe several things.

If so, I invite you to adopt my word(s) as your own for 2024 and LET GO.

Let Go of Whatever is Holding You Back

Let go of the fear. Divorce the anger, the pain, the need to be in control. Let go of the self-sabotage. Let go of whatever is no longer serving your best interests.

Just, let it all go.

It won’t happen at the stroke of midnight. It will take ongoing work. At least it will for me. But imagine what we’ll become – the things we’ll accomplish – in the process.

Here’s to a fabulous YOU in this coming new year. Let’s make it our best yet.

I’d love to hear what YOU think about this topic. Post your thoughts on social and tag me (@coachmichelepeterson), or simply comment below!

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