Coffee Chat Connection

Creating a Habit of Connection

[Transcript] … The topic that I have for us today is this idea of making a habit of connection. I think, as we are working from home, connection with other people is even more critical for us than it is for people in an office setting.

Why? Because they’re already connected. Right? The office setting itself is a method of connecting … an avenue, a channel of connecting.

So when we are working from home, maintaining that connection is super critical, which means we have to be intentional about doing that … about being connected.

And it’s so much easier if you develop a habit, right?

With so many things, if you can develop a habit of it, then it becomes automatic. It just becomes a part of your routine and it gets done.

That’s the beauty of a habit.

When it’s a habit, it actually happens.

So how do we make connecting with others a habit so that it gets done?

Calendar It

I have found that, for me, if I write it in my calendar then it gets done. So this is what it would look like …

I’m currently using the Full Focus planner. And the pages have these “Daily Big 3.” Chalene Johnson also has a planner that I like — the Push Journal. It also has a, a top three of the day.

The big three, the top three … the idea is that these are the three most important things that you’re going to focus on today.

So if you make a task of connecting one of your top three and you write it in your planner … you write it down or you schedule it into your calendar … this is becoming a habit that’s going to actually happen.

Make it a Daily Habit

For me right now, I am developing the habit of sending a card every day to someone who is just on my heart, on my mind … someone who I want to stay connected with.

I use Send Out Cards. I go in and I sit for a minute, and I think, “Okay, who is on my mind? Who do I feel called to connect with?” And I send them a quick card.

Now, you don’t have to do it through Send Out Cards. You can keep a stack of note cards, or of postcards even, and jot down a quick, “Hey, I’m thinking of you” or “The thought of you made me smile today. Hope everything is going well” or just something quick.

And by the way, this connecting is not intended to be a sales touch. If you’re in sales, you know you have to touch somebody a certain number of times … and by “touch,” you know I’m not talking like physically touching them. But this idea of connecting is different.

Please don’t misunderstand this as being a sales thing. This is a building relationship thing.

So sending a card is one way to connect. Sending a text or making a phone call is another habit that you can get into.

And I would suggest … whether you send a card, send a text, send an email, or phone somebody … make it a daily habit.

Now maybe you want it to be a habit that every Monday you have coffee with somebody. So this is your habit. And it’s a way of making sure that you stay connected with people. So every Monday you are going to set up a coffee date.

Maybe it is every Wednesday you have lunch with somebody. Great!

The thing is, you make it a habit.

You make it a routine.

You make it a regular thing. And then it ends up happening.

It’s not something that you end up putting off or procrastinating, or it slips your mind, and then at the end of the week, you’re like, oh my goodness, I didn’t connect with somebody.

This is the way that we make connecting intentional. And we make it happen.

I can’t say it enough …

Habits make things happen.

So let’s make our connections a habit.

Okay. I’ve given you several suggestions, but I’d love to hear from you! Comment below … what kind of habit would make connections easier for you? What kind of habit would make connections happen?

Let me know what kind of habits you are looking forward to establishing.

I hope that this has been helpful. Go send a card, or send a text, or pick up the phone and actually check in with somebody right now.

Closing Thoughts

Until next time, have a beautiful rest of your day. Maintain your productivity, maintain your connection, and be confident. Because, girl, you have got this! And I’m here to help if you need it.

If you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for my newsletter. It’s a weekly newsletter on Sunday, where I come to you with tips and strategies and insights on working from home so that you can stay productive, stay connected and stay confident.

Have a great rest of the day. I’ll see you again soon. Bye for now.

Did you know? I created an online course to teach other women who are choosing to work from home the strategies, tactics, and systems I used to get it all done and actually ENJOY my WFH life!

Check out WIN Working From Home: How to Stay Productive, Connected and Confident as a Work From Home Professional Woman to see if it might help you, too!

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